Noisy Cricket - Web Deluxe
Noisy Cricket is a web agency in Ronneby with over 25 years of experience and knowledge, a natural tech partner when it comes to Web, Api, Apps and e-commerce.
We at Noisy Cricket work mainly according to a single motto. The digital solutions we deliver must be so flexible that they can follow our customers operations on the day they change. And they will change.
Graphic design for digital media is like no other. Anyone who works with this type of design must master several teachings. It is a challenge in itself - a great pleasure, but also a curse.
A web technician must also know how the technology works. Otherwise it is not possible to achieve full effect with its design. Blazor, Vue, React or like we did before - with html? All this must be known.
Usually when it comes to development of mobile apps it's for the android plattform and we use Android Studio and VSCode.
We have used technology from Microsoft for over 20 years now, tools like Azure (VM, Http API, Functions, Scale Sets etc), Visual Studio, .NET Core, Win Forms, Blazor, MVC and Sql-Server is standard for us.
We master this technology because we love it, a perfect combination of razor pages and the browser, imagine running your C# libraries in the browser without typing more vanilla javascript than you have to.
We are now using .NET MAUI for mobile development, we develop apps that can run on Android, iOS, macOS, and Windows from a single shared code-base, and this is very cost effective for the customer.
We use Git to store our source code for all our project. It allows us to collaborate on a projects more effectively by providing tools for managing possibly conflicting changes.
A very nice framework for developing scalable frontend solutions, very much comparable to React and the thinking around working with the virtual DOM, we like it.
One of the best frontend framework there is, we have used it a couple of times and it’s very much comparable to Vue and the thinking around working with the virtual DOM, we like it.
A lot of people dislike this huge step in securing the fluffy vanilla javascript at the time browsers were worse than today, this is still a powerful tool for us and we use it often.
Visual Studio
The absolut best EDI or editor there is, maybe you use something else but for heavy and big programming there is hard to find anything else that matches this, maybe VSCode.
This is one of the best editors out there, when using the Mac for development this is the only choice to do heavy programming, when we speak of .NET based projects.
Imagine running things in the cloud and at the same time it’s possible to move everything to another hosting provider in a heartbeat, containers is very useful in our world.
SQL Server
This is the database server we use if we are able to choose, mostly it’s the customer that make the choice and luckily it nearly always end up with this.
A very powerful database solution for development and mocking, before we used MySQL, but today we use this for development a lot tho its so easy and fast to work with.
A model that we used in a lot of variants through the years, starting with adobe and today building most of the e-learning projects with SCORM 1.2 and SCORM 2004
Regarding eCommerce we use a powerful model that we created ourself, the is prof of the speed of this framework, running on a single server without load balancing.
We use Azure for a lot of stuff and it’s currently the hosting environment for our customer servers, for development the app services and functions are fantastic to use and easy to scale.
EdLack in Ronneby use our MPS for their daily control over the electro coating procedure, Edlack is built according to the strict requirements of the international car industry.
We have several years of experience with tools from Apple, mostly we use xcode and objective-c for development and the result is usually mobile apps.